[Flask] Problem with Flask-Admin

Andrea D'Amore and.damore at gmail.com
Wed May 11 01:45:42 EDT 2016

On 10 May 2016 at 22:47, Lorenzo Mainardi <lormayna at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you, now it seems working fine.

Well, don't keep us hanging, tell the list how did you manage to solve
the problem.

I later tried to reduce the issue -see SSCCE [1] , it's a _very_
insightful process for issue you don't see at first glance- and just
to clarify the circularity of your issue here's an example made of two
files, main.py and secondary.py

    # FILE main.py
    import secondary

    class Foo:
        message = "I'm Foo"


    # trying the following line in interactive intepreter will throw
an exception
    #b = secondary.Bar()

    # FILE secondary.py
    from main import Foo

    class Bar(Foo):
        message = "I'm Bar"

Running main from command line will result in the same behavior.

[1] http://sscce.org/


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