[Flask] "could not build URL for endpoint"?

Alex Hall ahall at autodist.com
Wed May 11 09:36:55 EDT 2016

Okay, thanks--that explains a lot! I had a function called 'index', but
moved my decorators for / and /index off of it. I didn't realize url_for
worked that way, so I was calling a function that had no app.route
decorators. This explains so much.

Your example said to use url_for('.foobar')}}. Was the period supposed to
be before the function name, or was that a typo? Just want to make sure
there's not some other aspect I'm missing. Thanks.

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Anthony Ford <ford.anthonyj at gmail.com>

> Your running into an uissue in that url_for doesn't take the path ( the
> "/foo/bar" in "example.com/foo/bar") but the function which provides the
> view you want.
> If you define a route (say "/index"), and the function that handles that
> route is foobar(), then you would use url_for('foobar').
> So for:
> @app.route('/index')
> def foobar():
>     return render_template('foobar.html')
> your template would have the following link:
> a href="{{url_for('.foobar')}}">Home</a
> Hope that helps!
> Also, be careful with your quotes. While Jinja should pick up the quotes
> within {{}} and handle them well, even with the outer quotes, it's good to
> be in the habit of not mixing quotes. Use one type (i.e. double) for your
> outer, and the other (single) for your inner. Since Python doesn't
> differentiate between the types, it's safe to swap them as you desire.
> Anthony Ford,
> ford.anthonyj at gmail.com
> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 8:22 AM, Alex Hall <ahall at autodist.com> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I have no idea what I changed--I've been messing with so many config
>> files and apps lately--but suddenly I'm getting that error when I load my
>> app. My templates use the 'url_for' function, as I'm told they should, but
>> that seems to be failing for some reason. The only related change I can
>> think of is that I recently added a couple more decorators to a view
>> function, in an effort to always direct to a certain view when visitors go
>> to the main site. That is
>> myapp.mysite.com/search
>> is redirected to by
>> myapp.mysite.com
>> or
>> myapp.mysite.com/index
>> The error is "could not build URL for endpoint '/index'. Did you mean
>> '/search' instead?
>> In my base template, I define a navigation bar. In the exception, the
>> first url in that bar is causing the problem:
>> a href="{{url_for("/index")}}">Home</a
>> Might the problem be that I'm defining a link (/index) that will render
>> as this view, because that's a decorator before the /search function? That
>> doesn't make much sense to me, but I can't think what else it could be.
>> Related: is there a better way of directing to a certain view than putting
>> a bunch of app.route decorators in front of a single function? Is the
>> recommended way to handle this in the web server configuration instead?
>> --
>> Alex Hall
>> Automatic Distributors, IT department
>> ahall at autodist.com
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Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
ahall at autodist.com
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