[Flask] Flask-SQLAlchemy 2.3.0 released

David Lord davidism at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 10:28:57 EDT 2017

We've released Flask-SQLAlchemy 2.3.0! This mainly fixes issues with
`__tablename__` generation introduced in 2.2. Hopefully name
generation Just Works™️ for all your use cases, but in case it doesn't
there's also a documented way to disable it.

Install or upgrade with pip:

    pip install -U Flask-SQLAlchemy

## Changelog

- Multiple bugs with ``__tablename__`` generation are fixed. Names will be
  generated for models that define a primary key, but not for single-table
  inheritance subclasses. Names will not override a ``declared_attr``.
  ``PrimaryKeyConstraint`` is detected. (`#541`_)
- Passing an existing ``declarative_base()`` as ``model_class`` to
  ``SQLAlchemy.__init__`` will use this as the base class instead of creating
  one. This allows customizing the metaclass used to construct the base.
- The undocumented ``DeclarativeMeta`` internals that the extension uses for
  binds and table name generation have been refactored to work as mixins.
  Documentation is added about how to create a custom metaclass that does not
  do table name generation. (`#546`_)
- Model and metaclass code has been moved to a new ``models`` module.
  ``_BoundDeclarativeMeta`` is renamed to ``DefaultMeta``; the old name will be
  removed in 3.0. (`#546`_)
- Models have a default ``repr`` that shows the model name and primary key.
- Fixed a bug where using ``init_app`` would cause connectors to always use the
  ``current_app`` rather than the app they were created for. This caused issues
  when multiple apps were registered with the extension. (`#547`_)

.. _#530: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask-sqlalchemy/pull/530
.. _#541: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask-sqlalchemy/pull/541
.. _#546: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask-sqlalchemy/pull/546
.. _#547: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask-sqlalchemy/pull/547


We are still working towards larger changes in a 3.0 release, and
would appreciate any help, big or small. Whether it's triaging issues,
updating and improving the docs, finding bugs, or squashing bugs,
everything helps!


Finally, if you want to, please retweet this to spread the word to
more developers:


Thank you for your continued support and patience!

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