[Flask] AWS Lambda integration module idea

Vicente Neto sneto.vicente at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 10:31:08 EST 2018

Hi there!

To be honest, I didn't have time to read all your email... but your idea
looks like the Chalice Microframework.
You can read more about it here

PS: I'm sorry if I didn't fully understand your idea and gave you a generic
answer. :p

Kind regards!

On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 8:23 AM <mischa at mvstg.biz> wrote:

> Hello all, I wanted to get feedback on a proposal for a flask extension to
> make writing AWS Lambda web applications and services with Flask easier.
> AWS Lambdas are little zip files of code and dependencies that can be
> executed without any extra infrastructure and can be provided as HTTP
> services.
> I've found that Flask is really great for making even complex lambdas, and
> can be nearly as easy to maintain and manage as say a Heroku application.
> Except they run for basically free and you don't have to worry about having
> hosts to run your application or scaling web servers. I wrote about my
> setup here
> https://spiegelmock.com/2018/09/06/serverless-python-web-applications-with-aws-lambda-and-flask/
> I wrote a basic Flask service hooking into AWS SSM Parameter Store to
> provide encrypted secrets from AWS to the application, using aws-wsgi (
> https://pypi.org/project/aws-lambda-wsgi/) to bridge lambda http proxy
> requests and responses with WSGI, and a small bit of tooling to vendor the
> application dependencies because they need to be shipped in the zip bundle.
> Code demonstrating all of this can be found here -
> https://github.com/revmischa/qanda/.
> Local running and testing is handled by AWS SAM Local (
> https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sam-cli). It uses flask-apispec with
> marshmallow to make serialization and swagger generation effortless.
> The project I made with integrating flask and lambda is in my opinion
> quite smooth and makes writing a serverless Flask application as
> straightforward as any other app. What I want to do now is find a way to
> make this pattern reusable for myself and others, but it's not so clear to
> me how to approach this. I think the combination is a very powerful and
> useful one but I realized I could use some help in designing something
> opinionated yet reusable with the goal of making a new Flask-based lambda
> web service as fast and painless as possible.
> I took a crack at beginning to do this with
> https://github.com/revmischa/flask-serverless but I'm open to different
> ideas. What I'd like is provide configuration via AWS SSM or lambda config
> vars, aws-wsgi bridge, a way to bundle dependencies along with the
> application, CORS, marshmallow, and apispec all in a neat little starter
> kit to make it possible to create little flask webserverlesses with minimal
> setup or copy/pasting.
> There do exist some third-party projects like Zappa and Serverless that
> provide some of these pieces, but I am trying to see how far I can get with
> Flask and AWS' own tooling.
> Thanks for your input!
> Mischa
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