[getopt-sig] there isn't really any discussion here

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 13:52:09 -0500

On 14 February 2002, Tim Peters said:
> + Auto-generating a help msg in a uniform-across-clients way is also
>   a value.  Ditto forcing all clients to have the same meaning for -h.

It would be neat if there was a way for clients to provide helpful hints
for occasions where Optik botches the formatting of the help, as I'm
sure could happen.

Also, Optik doesn't *force* all clients to have -h/--help; you can
always create your own OptionParser subclass with no standard help
option.  But it's awkward and difficult to do so, which is just as good
as force.

Greg Ward - Unix bigot                                  gward@python.net
Reality is for people who can't handle science fiction.