[Python Glasgow] Learning

Andrew Farrell amfarrell at mit.edu
Tue Mar 8 18:16:13 EST 2016

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 4:29 PM, Alisder <ali_brown89 at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> Evening
> Just came across your group when i was searching for a Python course in
> Glasgow.
> I stay in Glasgow and have some rudimentary/very beginner knowledge of
> programming. I'm really keen to get my skill level up for stuff i'm doing
> at work just now (3D Modelling) and am interested to get a users opinion of
> what the best way to learn Python is? Are there any recommended books,
> courses, websites etc i should start with?
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated
> Kind Regards
> Alisder Brown
> BIM Coordinator
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Hi Alisder,

For learning python generally, I highly recommend Think Python
It is based on the book I originally used to learn python many years ago
and is written by the same authors. I would also recommend trying out
the python
on--it i helpful for getting yourself un-stuck as you learn things.
Finally, learning to use py.test
<https://pytest.org/latest/getting-started.html> is useful for both for
playing around with things right now, breaking down bugs into smaller
pieces, and for eventually building large systems robustly.

For topics related specifically to 3D-modeling, I can't offer any specific
recommendations besides to point you in the direction of Blender
I've never used it (I do mostly web and infrastructure development), but
you might find this smattering of links useful:
- /r/blenderpython
- A Blender tutorial series
- The official blender API docs
- A video tutorial on using python within Blender


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