From notfaxing at  Fri Jul 25 12:52:18 2008
From: notfaxing at (peter loh)
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 18:52:18 +0800
Subject: [group-organizers] organizing a usergroup
Message-ID: <>

I would like to organize a group for Singapore.
Please tell me what I must do.
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From catherine.devlin at  Mon Jul 28 22:29:08 2008
From: catherine.devlin at (Catherine Devlin)
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 16:29:08 -0400
Subject: [group-organizers] PyOhio
Message-ID: <>

Group organizers,

I just wanted to give you some encouraging news.  PyOhio, a daylong
regional miniconference, took place in Columbus, OH on Saturday, and
it was a definite success!  We had 9 scheduled talks and 91+
attendees, who seemed very happy with how things went.

Since there has never been a general Ohio Python group, this was
really bootstrapping a community from almost nothing.  It worked!  "If
you build it, they will come."

I'll be thinking a lot over the next few weeks about what can be
learned from it.  I've promised an article to Python Magazine
describing what we did; I'll let you know when it's published.  You
can also read some of the traffic on pyohio-organizers at,
where we're discussing how it went and why.

We are definitely making it an annual event.
- Catherine
*** PyOhio 2008 * Columbus * July 26, 2008 * ***