[group-organizers] Pycon speakers by region, for dress rehearsals
David Christian
david.christian at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 23:25:30 CET 2009
Ned, this list is great! Thanks for putting this together. Now to
plan one of these for NYC...
On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Ned Batchelder <ned at nedbatchelder.com> wrote:
> Last year, the Boston python meetup had a "Pycon dress rehearsal" night for
> the Boston-area speakers headed to Pycon. It was very successful: we had
> three presenters, and our largest attendance in a long time. The speakers
> had a chance to practice their talk, and the attendees got a jam-packed
> night. Even people planning to attend Pycon could use it as a way to solve
> the "I want to see two talks at the same time" problem at Pycon.
> I'm planning to do it again this year, and in preparation, I went through
> the Pycon speakers and organized them by region. I thought other organizers
> might want to see the list, maybe it will spur them to run similar events.
> At least it might alert you to active Pythonistas previously unknown to you
> in your neighborhood.
> BTW: It turns out we have seven speakers from Boston including a keynoter,
> so I may be doing a Saturday afternoon event to get them all squeezed in.
> --Ned.
> http://nedbatchelder.com
> Here's the list: I may have some people misplaced. Some of this required
> real digging to get a physical location...
> United States (or close enough)
> -------------------------------
> Atlanta
> Jonathan LaCour (ShootQ)
> Alfredo Deza
> Brandon Craig Rhodes (Rhodes Mill Studios, Inc.)
> Christopher Johnson (ifPeople)
> Mr. Rick Copeland (SourceForge)
> Boston
> Francesco Pierfederici (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
> Mr. Edward L Abrams (Hewlett-Packard)
> Peter A Portante
> Glyph Lefkowitz
> Jack Diederich (Consultant)
> Ned Batchelder
> Chicago
> Alex Gaynor (Eldarion)
> David Beazley (Dabeaz LLC)
> Ian Bicking (The Open Planning Project)
> Colorado
> Dr. Steven H Rogers (Seagate Technology)
> Dallas
> Jeff Rush (Tau Productions Inc.)
> Kansas
> Matt Croydon (Mediaphormedia)
> James Bennett
> Kansas City
> Mr. Eric Silverman (ALATEC Inc. / US Army)
> Los Angeles
> Dr. Jonathan M Cameron (Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA))
> Peter Shinners
> Grig Gheorghiu (Evite)
> Dr. David Q Mertz (Gnosis Software)
> Raymond Hettinger
> Robert E Brewer (Polimetrix)
> Maryland
> Eric Smith (True Blade Systems, Inc.)
> Nitin Madnani (University of Maryland, College Park)
> Dr. Jimmy J Lin (University of Maryland)
> Joseph Lisee (Robotics @ Maryland)
> Michigan
> Mark Ramm (SourceForge)
> Dr. C. Titus Brown (Michigan State University)
> Minnesota
> Chris Moffitt (Satchmo)
> North Carolina
> Frank J Wierzbicki (Jython)
> Mr. Chander K Ganesan (Open Technology Group, Inc.)
> Mr. Gary Poster (Canonical)
> Joe Gregorio (Google)
> New York City
> Mr. Roy Hyunjin Han (Columbia University)
> Wes McKinney (AQR Capital Management, LLC)
> Mr. Justin Lilly (HUGE Inc)
> Ohio
> Catherine Devlin (IntelliTech Systems)
> Seattle
> Dino E Viehland (Microsoft)
> Jimmy Schementi
> Ivan Beschastnikh (University of Washington)
> Justin Samuel
> Justin Cappos (University of Washington)
> San Francisco
> David A Reid
> Aaron Maxwell (Hilomath Mobile)
> Mr. wesley j. chun (CyberWeb Consulting)
> Ms. Anna M Ravenscroft (PSF)
> Collin Winter (Google / Unladen Swallow)
> Mr. Eric Florenzano (Django, Hurricane)
> Mr. Jinal Jhaveri (Lolapps Inc)
> Charles Merriam
> Mr. Scott Chacon (GitHub)
> Donovan Preston
> Brett Slatkin (Google Inc.)
> Bob Ippolito (Mochi Media, Inc.)
> Alex Martelli
> Mr. Larry Hastings
> Toronto
> Dr. Greg Wilson (University of Toronto)
> Ms. Leigh JM Honeywell (HackLab.TO)
> Mike C. Fletcher (VRPlumber Consulting Inc.)
> Utah
> Jonathan Ellis
> Juliana Freire (University of Utah and VisTrails Inc.)
> Vancouver BC
> Mr. Brett Cannon
> Washington DC
> Ryan J O'Neil
> Ms. Katie A Cunningham (NASA/Indyne)
> Daniel Greenfeld (NASA / Indyne Inc.)
> Tres Seaver (Agendaless Consulting, Inc.)
> Wisconsin
> Dr. Ilan Schnell (Enthought)
> Elsewhere in the World
> ----------------------
> Argentina
> Matias Torchinsky
> Brazil
> Guilherme Chapiewski;
> Henrique Bastos
> Dominican Republic
> Jorge L Vargas
> England
> Mr. Michael J Foord
> Allison Randal (Parrot Foundation)
> Alexander Dutton (University of Oxford)
> Mr. Adam T. Lindsay (Lancaster University)
> France
> Tarek Ziadé
> Dr. Matthieu Amiguet (Haute École Arc)
> Germany
> holger krekel (merlinux gmbh)
> Mr. Maciej Fijalkowski (merlinux GmbH, pypy)
> India
> Mr. Sanjiv Singh
> Ireland
> Ms. Nadia Alramli (DemonWare)
> Mexico
> Carlos de la Guardia
> Netherlands
> Mr. Stani Michiels (Phatch, SPE)
> Dirkjan Ochtman
> Sweden
> Andrew Dalke (Dalke Scientific)
> Tobias Ivarsson
> Ukraine
> Max Ischenko
> Venezuela
> Nicolas Lara
> Couldn't Find
> -------------
> John Rittenhouse (CCP Games)
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