From ygingras at  Mon Mar 22 15:14:53 2010
From: ygingras at (Yannick Gingras)
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 10:14:53 -0400
Subject: [group-organizers] On Running a mini-PyCon
Message-ID: <>

Greetings, user group organizers, 
  the Montr?al group is now recovering from ConFoo, a conference that we
organized in conjunction with other local groups and we are starting
to plan for next year.  We want to explore other options before we
commit to ConFoo 2011 and one of them is to have a smaller, Python
only conference.

Could those of you who organized mini-pycon events give us a quick
overview of how it went?  We are mostly looking for an idea on scope
at this point so you can enlighten us with only a few numbers:
 * how many days;
 * how many speakers (nb. local vs nb remote);
 * how many presentations;
 * how many attendees;
 * how much did it cost to attend.

For the record, ConFoo was:
 * 3 days long;
 * 100 speakers, 70 of which were from out of town;
 * 130 presentations;
 * 400 attendees;
 * tickets were $600.

Best regards, 

Yannick Gingras -- lead organizer
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