[group-organizers] Workshop Materials

Andrew Schoen andrew.schoen at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 15:56:34 CEST 2012

> This is great! I hope the event went well, I'd love to hear what went
> wrong and right, and hope to follow you example soon.
The event was amazing and we didn't many issues at all, which is a
testament to how well the tutorial content was written.  The event
definitely exceeded my expectations and we had great attendance and really
good questions / participation.

Here are a few points / tips / feedback we're taking from the event.

   - Have some sort of introduction presentation on Friday before starting
   the computer setup.  Explain a bit about Python, talk about your user
   group, explain the PSF and their role, walk through goal #1, etc.  It
   doesn't have to be long, but it's a good kick off.  We didn't do that this
   time but we definitely will next time.
   - Have at least one instructor who is familiar with each of the OS's.
    We were a bit weak on the Windows side.  Again, not many problems but a
   few issues could have been solved quicker for people.
   - Plan on taking a scheduled 10 minute break halfway through the lecture
   on Saturday.
   - Have a good variety of projects for Saturday afternoon.  We had an
   impromptu web development project because of the overwhelming interest in
   it (might schedule a web development specific workshop soon).
   - Provide some good structure to the projects for people who want to
   work it out mostly on their own.  We also had quite a few people who just
   wanted to work through codingbat / other python tutorials on their own
   while having people there who could answer questions for them.
   - Next time we'll do a closing presentation right before the projects on
   Saturday. We let people leave whenever they liked on Saturday afternoon and
   I think they appreciated that, but then they didn't get to see the closing.
   - Have a survey ready to send out a day two after.  We've been getting
   some great feedback from ours

Sorry for long email, but hopefully it's useful.  I'd love to hear from
others who's given a workshop and what they did that worked / didn't work
as well.

Andrew Schoen

> Calvin Spealman
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