[group-organizers] Community organizer's starter kit

Clayton Parker clayton at sixfeetup.com
Mon Mar 12 20:41:43 CET 2012

On Mar 12, 2012, at 12:37 PM, Travis Swicegood wrote:

> At the organizer's open space Saturday night someone recommended that we start putting together (and consolidating) our documentation on GitHub to make it easy to contribute to.  Since we don't have a presence on GitHub, I reached out to a friend there and got us the @python user.
> There's apparently some documentation on python.org about setting up meetups.  Where might I find that?  I've created a community-starter-kit, but there's nothing more than a README right now.

I was looking around the wiki after the open space and found this:

It has a lot of excellent pointers.

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