[group-organizers] python user group name

Jonas Geiregat jonas at geiregat.org
Sun Sep 16 00:08:19 CEST 2012

Hello everyone,

We're starting up a new user group for Python user in Belgium.

I've tweeted some weeks ago about this idea and got some responses. We started to think publicly (that is on twitter) about this idea.

The first thing we wanted to have was a name to identify ourselves with. One of the people who was active in this conversation came up with pyBug (Python Belgian User Group).

He also suggested to move the conversation to linked in, since there already was an "active" thread for Belgium Python users. So we did that. 

We argued about the name and the first steps etc .. 

This week I decided that pybug would be the name, since only once person didn't like the name and no-one else said anything about it. 

So registered pybug.be and paid for it with my own money. Next thing I posted this in the thread. Shortly after that some people, but mainly one started to argue that he didn't like the name and he wanted to call out a poll.

So we did that, and pybug came out as a winner. Lucky for me because I already paid for the domain. 

Then again some people started complaining that they didn't had a change to vote, mainly because they weren't actively watching the thread. 

At this point I started to get irritated, but because I don't want to push myself forward as any kind of leader or dictator I said ok, let's have another poll.

This poll still running but it seems the name will be pythonbelgium. For the arguments that it is the most pythonic name. Also other people started joining the conversation (which is a good and wonderful thing)

I dislike the name and I dislike the whole fact there's been so much argument about a name. 

So I really don't know what to do here, what are my options? 

Should I stick with the final outcome of the latest poll and pick pythonbelgium as name or would it be wrong to stand up as the one who started this whole thing and say, no.

I don't like the name and I've already paid for a domain, I'm sorry but we can't poll forever just because other people start to join the conversation. Would this be considered as wrong ?

Yours sincerely,

Jonas Geiregat.

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