[group-organizers] Mass Add

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Wed Apr 15 03:37:15 CEST 2015

Hi all,

I'm Sheila Miguez, another Chicago person, and I was very inspired to run
some events after watching a talk[1] by Asheesh and Jessica a while back
about the Boston group.

I help run python office hours at my hackerspace[2] as well as a monthly
python project night hosted at Braintree. Once or twice a year depending on
student availability I help run Open Sources Comes to Campus[3]. It's not
strictly python, but the projects section has been all python due to
founder effect.

I've also recently started helping NumFOCUS[4] as a tech flunky. NumFOCUS
runs events like PyData.

I'd like to hear what other groups do for their office hours/project night
types of events. How much structure do you provide, and do you recruit
instructor attendees?

[1] <
[2] <https://wiki.pumpingstationone.org/Python_Office_Hours>
[3] <http://discourse.openhatch.org/>
[4] <http://numfocus.org>

shekay at pobox.com
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