[group-organizers] Mass Add

Albert O'Connor amjoconn at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 23:06:36 CEST 2015

Evening everyone.

I am Albert O'Connor and I help organize WatPy the Waterloo Python group in
Ontario Canada (watpy.ca).

We have been working on running more teaching events and providing a better
way for people to access materials. For scientific Python we have worked on
a tool to turn markdown (versioned in a repo) into iPython notebooks.

Our next project is to turn markdown into an interactive website using


On Sun, 12 Apr 2015 at 17:02 Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:

> I just added a bunch of organizers to this list per Catherine's
> recommendation. Also spoke with Ned. Thanks everyone for helping make this
> happen.
> If you get a chance, please send a quick note to introduce yourself if you
> haven't already.
> I'll start, I am Brian Ray, One of the (now) many organizer's for ChiPy
> Chicago Python User Group. We have gotten supper organized in the last
> couple years and what to share what we learned. We also want to learn from
> your experiences. PyCon was very helpful. Have a super great weekend and
> safe travels to those leaving PyCon. This year.
> Warm Regards, Brian
> --
> Brian Ray
> @brianray
> (773) 669-7717
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