[group-organizers] Mass Add

Manoranjan Padhy manoranjan.113 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 21:12:59 CEST 2015


I am Manoranjan Padhy and I along with Harsh Dattani facilitate Python
Developers Baroda [ https://www.facebook.com/pydevbaroda ] User Group in
Baroda, India. PyDev Baroda is a pretty young user group though. We
formulated around 6 months back as there wasn't any local user group in our
city or nearby. Even though the group is quite young but we have gathered
quite a momentum since past few months.

We organise monthly meetups to collaborate with other Python literates to
scale the community. Moreover we are exploring people who are interested in
Python either to learn or to develop using it. In fact we are also planning
a large scale conference in months to come.

Would be very much glad if members in the list can advice something or come
up with some creative Ideas. One more thing I also wanted to know about
channels using wich we can generate funds for smooth scaling of the group.

Manoranjan Padhy

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 8:51 PM, Don Sheu <dinaldo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey folks, I organize Puget Sound Programming Python. We summarize our name
> as PuPPy. I founded the group in August 2014 with Dusty Phillips the author
> of *Python 3 Object Oriented Programming*. Our first meeting
> <
> http://pupyug.org/post/90374380872/first-meeting-coming-august-9th-women-and-code
> >
> was a mini-conference that explored tactics and strategy for including more
> women in engineering. Facebook hosted us.
> Founding of this group was inspired by my friend Brian Ray's example with
> what he does with his group ChiPy. Yannick Gingras was instrumental in
> getting our group going and introduced Dusty Phillips and me to each other.
> This month rather than go dark during a PyCon month, we held two events.
> Normally we meet second Wednesdays. This month we met on the 1st at Qumulo
> <http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/events/220404014/>. Though I expected a
> smaller turnout for a PyCon month, we had 40 attendees with a waiting list
> of over 70.
> Because of the large number of our members who couldn't attend because of
> space limitations, we partnered with Seattle Data/Analytics/Machine
> Learning for a second event this past Tuesday at Redfin
> <http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/events/221665531/>. We had over 150
> RSVPs.
> About 130 made it to the meetup.
> Upcoming events at Indeed
> <http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/events/221012040/>.com and Google
> <http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/events/221012063/> have 130 and 170 RSVPs
> respectively.
> Please visit us. I've invited Audrey Roy Greenfeld, Danny Roy Greenfeld,
> Larry Hastings, Yannick Gingras, and Brian Ray to form an advisory council
> for us. With our organizers Dusty Phillips and Alan Vezina we'll create a
> form of an editorial calendar for our future meetups with topics for each
> meeting.
> I hope that the editorial calendar will help our speakers select speaking
> slots and out-of-town visitors to pick meetups to attend.
> I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow organizers Dusty
> Phillips, Alan Vezina, Brian Nitz, Tammy Lee, Paul Briant, David Kurkov,
> and Colin Dietrich.
> Visit us!
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Francois Dion <francois.dion at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Chris Calloway <cbc at unc.edu> wrote:
> >
> > > On 4/12/2015 5:01 PM, Brian Ray wrote:
> > >
> > >> If you get a chance, please send a quick note to introduce yourself if
> > you
> > >> haven't already.
> > >>
> > >
> > > The Triangle is not to be confused with the "Piedmont Triad" area of
> > North
> > > Carolina to the west encompassing Winston-Salem, Greenboro, and High
> > Point
> > > which have their own Python user group (PYPTUG).
> >
> >
> > Must be my cue :)
> >
> > I also have been subscribed to this list for a few years, since I started
> > PYPTUG in 2011. PYthon Piedmont Triad User Group, or PYPTUG has had
> > meetings in the Piedmont Triad area of Winston-Salem, Greensboro and High
> > Point (and places in between like Thomasville and Kernersville). There
> is a
> > bit more detail on the beginnings of PYPTUG here:
> > http://www.pyptug.org/2012/08/python-piedmont-triad-user-group.html
> >
> > And the main reason I started it is on that page: "to promote and advance
> > computing, electronics and science in general in North Carolina using the
> > Python programming language, and through workshops and project nights
> where
> > people can learn, get help and mentor others. A secondary goal is to make
> > you, the artist, the engineer, the investor, the manager, the programmer,
> > the scientist, the teacher, better at your job."
> >
> > Currently we typically have 1 monthly meeting at Wake Forest U (in
> > Winston-Salem) and 1 project night at Inmar (also in Winston Salem) per
> > month (although we had more this year). If you'd like to come by and
> > present on a subject, do drop me a note.
> >
> > We've had some nice workshops in collaboration with Fablocker
> hackerspace,
> > some lunch and learn with local schools and businesses, many Raspberry Pi
> > sessions over the past 3 years, and of course the Project Nights. During
> > those, we have a Newbie's Corner to provide one on one help either to
> learn
> > Python or to use it, set up a computer etc. We've also had some
> interesting
> > projects, ranging from the Pi-A-Sketch, to our latest project that
> consumed
> > all our free time in 2015, NSC-01:
> >
> > The first ever 7 node computing cluster sent into near space using a High
> > Altitude Balloon (and within the FAA regulations on weight...). All
> > controlled by Python 3:
> > http://www.pyptug.org/p/team-near-space-circus.html
> >
> > Of course we had to put the xkcd cartoon from import antigravity on the
> > payload itself, along with a QR code for PYPTUG and a notice to finder.
> >
> > This has allowed us to involve the student population a bit more. And
> since
> > their involvement, High Point U is now using Python and Raspberry Pis in
> 3
> > departments. We've also had meetings at local technical community
> colleges.
> > Next on my list is to get something going with High Schools. I've already
> > started that ball rolling.
> >
> > I do realize that I need to expand the geographical area in which we hold
> > our meetings. Greensboro and High Point have to start to be in the
> monthly
> > rotation, just as TriPython have been doing in their area, as it has been
> > hard to grow membership (around 120 at this time). Of course, we are
> still
> > young, but I've been keeping track of the suggestions on this list to
> > figure out what to do next.
> >
> > Francois
> > --
> > raspberry-python.blogspot.com - www.pyptug.org - www.3DFutureTech.info -
> > @f_dion
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> --
> Don Sheu
> (312) 880-9389
>   *Apply to join us at www.openforcetour.org
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Manoranjan Padhy
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