[group-organizers] meeting locations

Mathieu Leduc-Hamel marrakis at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 19:26:08 CEST 2015

At Montreal-Python, we are switching from a place to another at each meetup
but we are trying to have one place we are always going back and it's at
the university. We don't want to be identified as the group that is always
meeting at the google/shopify/[name your company there] offices and i think
it is also super important to change your location cause it allow you to
reach other peoples that you might now reach by staying at the same place.

And try also to diverse the kind of venues. Reaching software companies is
great, but it is important also to reach students, people from the game
industry, open data, etc...

But yeah it is super convenient to have base camp and the university gave
us this possibility and i think it is wonderful cause there is nothing more
neutral then the university !

Le lun. 1 juin 2015 à 13:06, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> a écrit :

> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 11:54 AM, Don Sheu <dinaldo at gmail.com> wrote:
> > open job reqs in Seattle, with rumors that number will increase to 2000
> > with the new campus coming on line in December. We consciously don't want
> > to be perceived as a conduit for Facebook's hiring. We try to meet at
> > Facebook at most once a quarter.
> >
> Speaking of which, lately I've taken to spamming recruiters who contact me
> via Linkedin and elsewhere to let them know that I'm happy with my job and
> they should consider contacting chipy-organizers (or other groups as
> appropriate) to see about sponsoring the group in some way. I have no idea
> if this has worked, but maybe it will one day.
> I think I have it a little easier with perception with respect to project
> nights and office hours that I run in that I deflect recruiters to the user
> group meetings where more recruiting activity goes on. I took a page from
> one of the NYC studies group where they did something similar.
> oh and natch I'm not moving my hackerspace office hours around. If I did it
> wouldn't be the same thing and someone else at the hackerspace would have
> office hours.
> I like the Braintree office in that they are in the Merchandise Mart. For
> those of you not in Chicago, the building is connected by a walkway to a
> brownline stop and it's in the loop, a 15 minute walk from the metra
> stations, near by parking garages. And since it is a fancy modern building
> (these days), it has easy accessibility. I appreciate that compared to my
> hackerspace -- we are in an older industrial building and have no elevator
> and people with mobility problems have trouble.
> --
> shekay at pobox.com
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