[group-organizers] ChiPy's Mentorship Program
Nicholas H.Tollervey
ntoll at ntoll.org
Sat May 16 09:07:07 CEST 2015
I ran the dojo at Pycon. We run one monthly in London. I've been asked
about what we do so many times that I wrote a nuts and bolts blog post here:
I hope you find it useful and I'm more than happy to answer any
questions people may have!
All the best,
On 13/05/15 00:31, Maria McKinley wrote:
> Wait, the Coding Dojo at PyCon happened? I couldn't find it, so thought it
> was canceled. I'm bummed now.
> Thanks for posting about your coding dojo. I'm working on organizing one in
> Seattle, and am happy to have more information on other events! Is there a
> link you can post about the one at PyCon, or how did you go about forking
> it? I haven't read your post yet, so forgive me if it is posted there.
> thanks,
> Maria
> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 3:11 PM, Tathagata Dasgupta <tathagatadg at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Great! I haven't heard the episode yet, hopefully sometime soon!
>> Update on current program:
>> Our mid term was a Coding dojo:
>> http://blog.tathagata.me/2015/05/blog-post.html
>> Thanks to Nick Tollervey for organizing Coding Dojo at PyCon so that we
>> were able to effortlessly fork it for the Mentorship program. Next we are
>> planning to have a hackathon as a final of the mentorship program - where
>> developers outside the mentorship program can work together with the mentor
>> and mentees.
>> I'll have create page on chipy.org with details on running the mentorship
>> program. Soon ;)
>> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 4:34 PM Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Saw this mention (thanks Ned) at 22:30:
>>> http://podcastinit.com/episode-5-ned-batchelder.html
>>> Any updates on how the second season of our mentorship is going T? Any
>>> additional advice on those who want to implement their own?
>>> On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Tathagata Dasgupta <
>> tathagatadg at gmail.com
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Brian is far too kind with his generous words ... We have been lucky to
>>>> have an amazing bunch of people in our user group who are eager to learn
>>>> and help others become better programmer.
>>>> If you are on meetup.com - checkout:
>>>> Our amazing mentors for this term:
>>>> http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/messages/boards/thread/48806595
>>>> What the mentor and mentee are up to:
>>>> http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/messages/boards/thread/48756823
>>>> Mentorship FAQ:
>>>> http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/messages/boards/thread/48812700
>>>> On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 8:46 AM Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I am going to brag a bit here for Tathagata (aka "T"), as he is
>> probably
>>>>> too humble to brag about himself, and the Mentorship program he has
>> created.
>>>>> As a transition from being the BDFL of Chicago Python User Group for
>>>>> over a decade and from pressure from the community, I started adding
>> some
>>>>> other organizers <http://www.chipy.org/pages/organizers/>to the mix
>> and
>>>>> letting them (or forcing them) to take ownership to a domain. One
>> domain,
>>>>> is our awesome Mentorship program.
>>>>> In it's second season, "T"'s mentorship has 19 pairs of
>> mentors/mentees.
>>>>> He writes about the experience on his blog:
>>>>> -
>> http://blog.tathagata.me/2015/03/chipy-python-mentorship-dinner-march.html
>>>>> -
>> http://blog.tathagata.me/2014/10/chicago-python-user-group-mentorship.html
>>>>> Just wanted to share this idea with you. Would be happy to help if you
>>>>> want to start a similar program in your area.
>>>>> Cheers, Brian
>>>>> ChiPy Organizer
>>>>> http://chipy.org
>>>>> --
>>>>> Brian Ray
>>>>> @brianray
>>>>> (773) 669-7717
>>> --
>>> Brian Ray
>>> @brianray
>>> (773) 669-7717
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