[group-organizers] python office hours and study groups

Maria McKinley mariak at mariakathryn.net
Thu May 21 07:16:22 CEST 2015

Hi there,

Sorry got swamped, and just now clearing out the inbox. I think it really
depends on what people want to get out of it. I don't think anyone who is
not already a little knowledgable in design patterns would get much out of
just a short presentation. You might get a general idea of the concept, but
would have no idea how or when or why to apply it in real life. My group is
senior developers, who are mostly self-taught, so this is their first intro
to the concepts, and even for them it takes a good hour discussion to
figure out the how, when, and why of it. I suppose making the discussion of
actual code after the intro voluntary, in case people would rather work on
their own projects, would work, but might give some the idea they can
understand it with just an intro. Some people like to throw around
terminology they don't really understand, so getting an intro with
voluntary learn-more-about-it might just foster that. Just thinking out
loud at this point. ;-)

Hope this helps,

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 6:44 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:

> editing subject line from the Mass Add thread.
> How long does the study group session last?
> Do you think a short presentation of a concept followed by a regular
> office hours/project night where people can voluntarily join anyone who
> wants to discuss the topic more would work in an office hours setting? Or
> should an entire session be devoted to the concept?
> I find people who show up without a lot of background in software
> engineering and/or computer science who want to know more about these
> things. I'm wondering if opening up a project night or office hours with a
> quick introduction to a data structure, algorithm, or engineering concept
> might be helpful and motivating for those people.
> cheers
> On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 12:07 AM, Maria McKinley <mariak at mariakathryn.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi Trey,
>> I am using a book, but just for myself really. I announce the pattern when
>> I announce the meeting. I read over the chapter, look at the wikipedia
>> page, and come up with some sort of intro. After my intro, we talk about
>> the pattern and about questions we have, and then we generally go over the
>> code example(s) on the wikipedia page, and try to understand what the code
>> does and why the pattern would be useful. We then try to come up with how
>> we have or could use this pattern in our own coding.
>> cheers,
>> Maria
> [trimmed introductions]
> --
> shekay at pobox.com

Maria Mckinley
Software Developer with Bonus SysAdmin Experience

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