[group-organizers] Mailing List for New Local User Group

Shaifali Agrawal agrawalshaifali09 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 06:54:23 EDT 2015

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:25 PM, Carol Willing <
willingc at willingconsulting.com> wrote:

> Welcome Shaifali. It's nice to see you on this list after seeing you on
> Google Summer of Code communications.
> It's awesome that you are wishing to create a Python user group in your
> city. Please do let me know if you have any difficulty obtaining a mailing
> list.

Thanks Carol. It's good to have you here as well. Will surely let you know
if I face any problem :)

> Looking forward to hearing how the first meeting goes.
Yes, sure.

> On 10/8/15 8:45 AM, Don Sheu wrote:
> Hi Shaifali, good deal. And am I inferring correctly you want to start a
> general Python user group and not a PyLadies chapter focusing on women?
> While posting this e-mail I was referring to general python user group
only but than PyGuj(Gujarat Python user group) initiator suggested me to
integrate Pyladies + PyIndore + Django girls. As of pyladies, here[1] they
mentioned "Anyone with an interest in Python is encouraged to participate!"
So I can integrate the them as of now, later if size of group increase I
can split it to conduct women-only events.

> For a mailing list you may contact postmaster at python.org for a new mailing
> list.
> Thanks, will do.

> Hope I can visit you in India someday!
> Sure, will be great to  hear from you!

[1]: http://kit.pyladies.com/en/latest/about.html


@exploreshaifali <http://exploreshaifali.github.io/>
Shaifali Agrawal
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