[group-organizers] New PuPPy Efforts for October

Don Sheu dinaldo at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 15:04:27 EDT 2015

Update, the career coaching sessions appear successful. Participants I
spoke with said they really liked the format and the quality of the coaches

Coaches even after meeting with 15 people one-on-one in an hour and a half
really liked it.

Carlos Guestrin addressed our 30 students with a personal keynote that
included the history of how he stared in machine learning. We learned that
Graphlab was for named for his Labrador Retriever.

He also covered the courses and shared with students what to expect as they
progress with each course in the Machine Learning specialization.

Now General Assembly plans to host study sessions for our students every
two weeks. Members of Dato's team have expressed an interest in dropping-in
to help students. I'll also make a call to PuPPy members for tutor

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 2:50 PM, Don Sheu <dinaldo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Two new programs we're planning and will launch soon: 1) Career Coaching
> Session; and 2) study sessions in conjunction with Coursera Machine
> Learning Specialization.
> On October 6th, we're running an engineer-to-engineer career coaching
> session. Participants will meet with five coaches during a 30 minute slot.
> I've asked that coaches not pitch a position or opportunity and instead
> tune advice for the individual seeking coaching.
> WeWork Holyoke is hosting us for free in their new Downtown Seattle
> location. Anthology is sponsoring food and beverages. Seattle
> nano-breweries have limited supply, but we were able to secure 1/6bbl from
> Stoup Brewery of their Mosaic Pale. We're serving bánh mì from Saigon
> Vietnam Deli. Some claim it's amongst the best bánh mì in the US.
> Anybody interested in the results of this experiment, I'm happy to collect
> your contact and share when we complete the event.
> Here's a list of our coaches:
> Alan Vezina, Founder and CTO Jydo
> Avilay Parekh, Founder AvilayLabs LLC
> Carter Rabasa, Product Manager Twilio
> Colin Dietrich, Research Scientist NOAA
> George Murray, Delivery Lead Indeed
> Ian Shafer, Founder Anthology
> Joel Grus, Engineer Google
> John Helm, CTO OmniRetail
> John Hunter, Founder Push Agency
> Nick Denny, Founder and CTO APImetrics
> Phil Kimmey, Founder Rover
> Rahul Singh, Founder Distelli
> Yannick Gingras, Engineering Manager Facebook
> Dusty Phillips, Production Engineer Facebook
> Andrew Chalfant, Production Engineer Facebook
> Ben Reilly, Technology Lead Reup
> Dan Simmonds, Engineer Amazon
> Charlotte Tan, Engineer Extrahop
> Brenden West, Founder Tech Mentors
> Jason Foote, Lead Engineer Offerup
> Robert Mao, Founder Pixotale
> Cris Ewing, Owner of Cris Ewing, Developer, LLC, Instructor Code Fellows,
> UW Python Certificate
> Kody Kochaver, Founder and CEO of Jydo
> Carlos Guestrin founder of Dato and Amazon Professor of Machine Learning
> at the University of Washington in collaboration with a fellow Amazon
> Profession of Machine Learning created a Coursera Machine Learning
> specialization. About 30 PuPPy members have committed to taking the course,
> attending a keynote delivered by Carlos, and participate in study sessions
> hosted by General Assembly in Seattle.
> Link to Coursera:
> https://www.coursera.org/specializations/machine-learning
> Seattle D/A/ML in Seattle organized by Jake Mannix of the Allen Institute
> for AI, Alice Zheng Director of Data Science at Dato, and Trey Causey Data
> Scientist at Dato, will recruit their members to join PuPPy in the study
> sessions. Also, Alice is recruiting colleagues from Dato to help tutor our
> PuPPy members joining the study sessions.
> Also, anybody with interest in the results of this experiment, let me know
> and I'm happy to update with a report.
> Warmest wishes,
> --
> Don Sheu
> 312.880.9389
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Join my Python user group, we meet every 2nd Wednesday
> http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/
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Don Sheu
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Join my Python user group, we meet every 2nd Wednesday

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