[group-organizers] Lightning talks?
Nelle Varoquaux
nelle.varoquaux at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 10:30:08 CEST 2015
>> Hi folks.
>> What are people's experiences with doing lightning talks at a meetup?
It's fun but requires a bit of organization.
>> I guess the thing that concerns me the most is setting up a half dozen
>> laptops on a projector they've never been hooked up to before.
>> Do people do a "designated laptop" for the talks, and ask presenters to
>> bring their slides on a USB flash drive?
>> Also, what's a good duration? Maybe targeting 5-10 minutes?
Scipy does 5 minutes. Either you provide the slides in pdf on a usb
stick, or you can use your own laptop. If you use your own laptop, the
setup time is included in your 5 minutes.
Euroscipy divides the allocated time by the number of people who
suggested a LT. This year, it was 2.5 minutes per person. The slides
were retrieved during the break just before and speakers did not use
their own computers.
I've also seen meetup consisting of only 5 minutes demo (no slides,
only live demo of the product or librairy). It was followed by 5
minutes of questions, during which the next speaker would set up.
>> Thanks.;
>> --
>> Dan Stromberg
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