[group-organizers] Lightning talks?

Christopher Arndt chris.arndt at web.de
Wed Sep 2 16:59:30 CEST 2015

One thing I try to encourage potential speakers to consider is giving a
lightning talk not about one of your own projects or some code you've
written but also about projects from other people, that you find
interesting. This could be:

- Some cool (Python or coding-related) website you found.
- An interesting blog post you read.
- A new or not-so-well-known Python language feature.
- A new or not-so-well-known Python (third-party) library.
- An interesting algorithm or software engineering solution (e.g. design
- Software development tools (editors, documentation systems, code
review and refactoring tools, ...).
- Interesting hardware (ergonomic keyboards, mobile computers or
microcontrollers running some flavour of Python).

Many people seem to (mistakingly, IMHO) think that you are only
"allowed" to give a lightning talk when you have "produced" something.
Offering up some of the above ideas might encourage some of them to try
their first lightning talk.


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