[group-organizers] T-shirts

Don Sheu dinaldo at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 19:42:53 CEST 2015

Saw a message Brian Ray shared with the ChiPy email list that prompted me
to share our t-shirt plans for PuPPy.

We plan to use the logo that Jen Pierce designed for us to use for
t-shirts. These t-shirts will be used to anchor our voluntary member
contribution drive. If we used Teespring, it looks like about $13 for cost
of the t-shirts. I think CustomInk can offer a per unit cost of less than

Here's a link to the design,

Also, for purposes of fulfilling our commitment to our code of conduct,
we're going to make an Organizer t-shirt that will have shirts clearly
marked so anybody reporting an incident can find an organizer.

Don Sheu
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