[group-organizers] A pretty awesome Mentorship program

Brian D. brian at realm3.com
Wed Dec 14 08:37:37 EST 2016

This is good stuff. Thanks for sharing it, Brian.

Based on the schedule it appears you all are in the final stages of the

   - What worked well and what might you have done differently?
   - Do you plan on doing it again next year?
   - There's mention of an application in the FAQ. What does that look like?
      - One of my concerns about this kind of program is making sure
      mentees take the self-study time seriously, so that the time that mentors
      put into the project is respected. How has that gone?

- bd.

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:

> Just wanted to share with the list the website representing Chicago's
> (ChiPy) Mentorship program:  http://www.chipymentor.org/
> I'm quite proud of this program Ray has put together, piggy backing on the
> efforts from "T" (Tathagata).
> Also, happy to start this thread to hear what others think, what others are
> doing, and how do make mentorship a staple in Python user groups worldwide.
> Cheers!
> Brian
> ChiPy Chair
> --
> Brian Ray
> @brianray
> (773) 669-7717
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