[group-organizers] PyDelhi Group organizing a PyDelhi Conference

qua non akshayaurora at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 07:45:39 EST 2016

Hi Folks,

I am Akshay Arora, one of the core developers of Kivy <http://kivy.org/>, I
have been lately part of a local community effort named PyDelhi
<http://pydelhi.org/>. We are a group of 20 + regular volunteers in the
National Capital Region of India also know as New Delhi. We  have been
holding regular bi-monthly meetups with 70 + average attendees for more
than 13 months.

We are holding a regional level conference PyDelhiConf
<https://conference.pydelhi.org>. which will be be held on 5th of march.

We are currently at the stage where we are reviewing proposals for the

There are some confusions on how to judge these proposals sometimes made by
experts in their fields by us volunteers who might not be as qualified as
the people proposing the talks/workshops.

I am trying to reach out to wider community out there in order to
understand the following::


   How we can sustain the event without getting funded by PSF.

   How to do marketing of the event.

   Get technical reviewers for the CFP’s.

I am curious how you guys solve these kinds of issues. Looking for help
with spreading the word around,  judging  proposals on cfp.pydelhi.org and
insights that might help us to make our event  sucessful.

Kind Regards

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