[group-organizers] Put on Job Fair Before Main Event
Don Sheu
dinaldo at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 15:44:02 EST 2017
The sponsorship levels was mostly a fishing expedition since the sheet was
produced for use at PyCon. Also I'd been coached by Shahrokh Mortavazi the
manager in charge of Azure ML that he'd been more successful in getting
Microsoft to write big checks than pay for a speaker to visit. Shahrokh
persuaded Microsoft to write a $50k check for IronPython Foundation for
PuPPy has been operating 30 months. during that time according to Meetup
and Eventbrite, we've had 189 events. This number does include our twice
weekly Programming Nights. Of the 189 meetings perhaps 40 have been our
large turnout talk format meetings. Our most recent large turnout meeting
that included the job fair had 180 attendees in the room.
Food and beverages for the most recent event was about $1200. It's probably
about $25k a year for events where we serve food and beverages.
My purpose though in raising funds so we have a budget is to support
programs like childcare for our members, sponsorships to PyCon, and
activity like launching the John Hunter Free School of Python. Childcare
concerns prevents the attendance of a few of our members like Cris Ewing
one of last year's PyCon keynote speakers and Jasmine Sandhu an engineer
with Continuum Analytics who led our Conda workshop.
PuPPy's a direct project of the PSF, any funds raised would be for the
direct benefit of our membership and local community.
The sheet is designed to emphasize the $15k and $5k levels. The $30k is
there for in case a company like Microsoft or Facebook cares to swoop in
with a big check.
I want to emphasize the levels and the sheet are entirely an experiment.
On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Peter Farrell <pjf at maepub.com> wrote:
> Given the amounts for the sponsorship levels in the link provided ($5k,
> $15k, $30k), I'm curious what are the annual expenditures for PuPPy?
> For comparison, here are the sponsorship levels for PyCont this year:
> https://us.pycon.org/2017/sponsors/prospectus/
> The reason I ask about expenditures is that our local user group (PyMNtos
> at python.mn) is roughly half the size (1600 members) and put on 86
> meetup since Aug 2013 (when we moved to Meetup -- we've existed for years
> before that). Our expenditures from Feb 2014 to present is ~$2,500. The
> rest has been cover by in-kind support from companies that have operations
> in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area (BuzzFeed, Target, Agosto, Vidku,
> DevJam, Microsoft, Veritas, LeadPages).
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Don Sheu <dinaldo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> It was two sponsors of our main meeting. This is part of a test to see if
>> it works. No recruiters, only the two companies OfferUp and CBRE.
>> We have a resume feedback channel on Slack.
>> Once we figure out if the convening a job fair prior to the main meeting
>> is
>> a viable offer, I'll try to figure out pricing for it.
>> Globally, we'll launch a voluntary member contribution drive like NPR. In
>> association with that, want to get local companies on as underwriting
>> sponsors.
>> Produced this sheet for PyCon to fish for national companies to join us as
>> a sponsor. Nobody bit.
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/u3n32nms2oqi9lo/PyCon%20Sheet%20Print.pdf?dl=0
>> ᐧ
>> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:01 PM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Looks fun. Was there a revenue stream to help power your user group? Did
>> > you allow recruiters? Did you have a resume workshop or any
>> > consulting/advising on site?
>> >
>> --
>> Don Sheu
>> 312.880.9389
>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> My Python user group convenes every month 2nd Wednesdays
>> http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/events/232708762/
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Don Sheu
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My Python user group convenes every month 2nd Wednesdays
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