[group-organizers] Put on Job Fair Before Main Event

Peter Farrell pjf at maepub.com
Sat Feb 11 17:12:22 EST 2017

Thanks for the additional information. Sounds like some nice goals with
childcare, school of python, etc.

On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 2:44 PM, Don Sheu <dinaldo at gmail.com> wrote:

> The sponsorship levels was mostly a fishing expedition since the sheet was
> produced for use at PyCon. Also I'd been coached by Shahrokh Mortavazi the
> manager in charge of Azure ML that he'd been more successful in getting
> Microsoft to write big checks than pay for a speaker to visit. Shahrokh
> persuaded Microsoft to write a $50k check for IronPython Foundation for
> example.
> PuPPy has been operating 30 months. during that time according to Meetup
> and Eventbrite, we've had 189 events. This number does include our twice
> weekly Programming Nights. Of the 189 meetings perhaps 40 have been our
> large turnout talk format meetings. Our most recent large turnout meeting
> that included the job fair had 180 attendees in the room.
> Food and beverages for the most recent event was about $1200. It's
> probably about $25k a year for events where we serve food and beverages.
> My purpose though in raising funds so we have a budget is to support
> programs like childcare for our members, sponsorships to PyCon, and
> activity like launching the John Hunter Free School of Python. Childcare
> concerns prevents the attendance of a few of our members like Cris Ewing
> one of last year's PyCon keynote speakers and Jasmine Sandhu an engineer
> with Continuum Analytics who led our Conda workshop.
> PuPPy's a direct project of the PSF, any funds raised would be for the
> direct benefit of our membership and local community.
> The sheet is designed to emphasize the $15k and $5k levels. The $30k is
> there for in case a company like Microsoft or Facebook cares to swoop in
> with a big check.
> I want to emphasize the levels and the sheet are entirely an experiment.
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Peter Farrell <pjf at maepub.com> wrote:
>> Given the amounts for the sponsorship levels in the link provided ($5k,
>> $15k, $30k), I'm curious what are the annual expenditures for PuPPy?
>> For comparison, here are the sponsorship levels for PyCont this year:
>> https://us.pycon.org/2017/sponsors/prospectus/
>> The reason I ask about expenditures is that our local user group (PyMNtos
>> at python.mn) is roughly half the size (1600 members) and put on 86
>> meetup since Aug 2013 (when we moved to Meetup -- we've existed for years
>> before that). Our expenditures from Feb 2014 to present is ~$2,500. The
>> rest has been cover by in-kind support from companies that have operations
>> in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area (BuzzFeed, Target, Agosto, Vidku,
>> DevJam, Microsoft, Veritas, LeadPages).
>> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Don Sheu <dinaldo at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It was two sponsors of our main meeting. This is part of a test to see if
>>> it works. No recruiters, only the two companies OfferUp and CBRE.
>>> We have a resume feedback channel on Slack.
>>> Once we figure out if the convening a job fair prior to the main meeting
>>> is
>>> a viable offer, I'll try to figure out pricing for it.
>>> Globally, we'll launch a voluntary member contribution drive like NPR. In
>>> association with that, want to get local companies on as underwriting
>>> sponsors.
>>> Produced this sheet for PyCon to fish for national companies to join us
>>> as
>>> a sponsor. Nobody bit.
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/u3n32nms2oqi9lo/PyCon%20Sheet%20Print.pdf?dl=0
>>> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:01 PM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Looks fun. Was there a revenue stream to help power your user group?
>>> Did
>>> > you allow recruiters? Did you have a resume workshop or any
>>> > consulting/advising on site?
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Don Sheu
>>> 312.880.9389
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> My Python user group convenes every month 2nd Wednesdays
>>> http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/events/232708762/
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> --
> Don Sheu
> 312.880.9389 <(312)%20880-9389>
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> My Python user group convenes every month 2nd Wednesdays
> http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/events/232708762/
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