From don at  Thu Oct  5 09:24:26 2017
From: don at (Don Sheu)
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2017 06:24:26 -0700
Subject: [group-organizers] Fwd: Brian Ray -- Founding Organizer ChiPy
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From: Don Sheu <don at>
Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 6:18 AM
Subject: Brian Ray -- Founding Organizer ChiPy
To: psf-fellow at

Dear Members of PSF Fellow WG,

On the occasion of Brian Ray's resignation as an organizer of ChiPy after
14 years of service, I'd like to put forth his nomination as a PSF Fellow.

Brian over 14 years ago founded ChiPy with Chris McAvoy
sitting at a table at Goose Island Brewery. During that 14 years, ChiPy has
grown to include over 8000 members. Out of the alumni there's been
significant Pythonistas like John Hunter, Aaron Swartz, Harper Reed, and
Adrian Holovaty.

Early Matplotlib was demonstrated at ChiPy. Adrian Holovaty first shared
Django at a ChiPy meeting. Brian helped Harper Reed at Threadless to move
the entire company to prioritize Python in its technology. Harper would go
on to join the Obama for America campaign as CTO in 2012. Atlantic
Magazine's article by Alexis Madrigal credited Harper with winning the 2012
election against Romney.

Brian's produced a lot of Python over the years. He built the core product
for Textura responsible for most of its revenue. Oracle purchased Textura
for $663m. At Cerner, he advised on Python best practices. When Deloitte
put Python professionals up for the assignment, Brian was the first
professional Cerner accepted after over 30 interviews.

Currently Brian's expanding and improving Deloitte's use of Python
specifically in use for analytics and Machine Learning. He is influencing
how this company of 84,890 professionals view Python.

Think recognizing Brian Ray as a PSF fellow would be a nice retirement gift
after 14 years of buying pizza for 8000 Pythonistas.

Brian's email is brianhray at

Don Sheu
312.880.9389 <(312)%20880-9389>
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My Python user group convenes every month 2nd Wednesdays

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Don Sheu
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My Python user group convenes every month 2nd Wednesdays

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