From strombrg at  Tue Apr  3 20:51:20 2018
From: strombrg at (Dan Stromberg)
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2018 17:51:20 -0700
Subject: [group-organizers] User group meetings - website to manage
 presentation topic suggestions and voting
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Hi folks.

Has anyone explored setting up a website that would:
1) Allow members to suggest topics they'd like to see presented on
2) Allow members to volunteer to present on topics
3) Allow mbmbers to vote for topics they'd like to see?

I'm thinking it'd be a lot like a bug tracker with bugfix voting.  In fact,
it almost seems like you could just do it with a bug tracker - but that
might be a little bit confusing.

If it were to take off, different user groups could compare topics, future
and past.


Dan Stromberg
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From jorge.vargas at  Tue Apr  3 21:04:08 2018
From: jorge.vargas at (Jorge Vargas)
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2018 01:04:08 +0000
Subject: [group-organizers] User group meetings - website to manage
 presentation topic suggestions and voting
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Hey Dan, in our organization the simplest thing works. One of our community
members tried to do this and it failed because people didn't had the
incentive to go to the site just to vote, suggest, etc. We ended up going
to regular social media tools were people will see the above. So call for
talks happens in the Facebook group, topic suggestions as well and so on.
The website is/was more for historical data like which even happened the
slides and so on.

On Tue, Apr 3, 2018, 8:51 PM Dan Stromberg <strombrg at> wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Has anyone explored setting up a website that would:
> 1) Allow members to suggest topics they'd like to see presented on
> 2) Allow members to volunteer to present on topics
> 3) Allow mbmbers to vote for topics they'd like to see?
> I'm thinking it'd be a lot like a bug tracker with bugfix voting.  In fact,
> it almost seems like you could just do it with a bug tracker - but that
> might be a little bit confusing.
> If it were to take off, different user groups could compare topics, future
> and past.
> Thanks!
> --
> Dan Stromberg
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