[group-organizers] Hi from Princeton!

Dan Clark wpu.clark at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 05:50:33 EDT 2018


Thanks for the feedback.  I didn't think of some of those things.  The
event will be small, but I'm sure we'll exceed our normal attendance.

Either way I feel like I am over thinking all of this, and I just need to
get things done.


On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 1:45 PM, Frank Valcarcel <frank at cuttlesoft.com>

> Hey Dan, I'm sure others will have some ideas but here's some thoughts
> that immediately come to mind.
>    1. Is there anything I should keep in mind when signing the venue's
>>    rental agreement?
> Be sure you understand what's included in the costs and what is not. Some
> venues require staffing the event, have setup/tear down costs, and charge
> for very granular things (tablecloth rentals, etc.). Also be sure their
> WiFi can handle your expected attendance - this one is commonly overlooked
> and is very important for a workshop.
>>    2. What is the best/appropriate method to get money from our sponsor to
>>    our venue?
> The PSF offers fiscal sponsorship for user groups. If you go this route
> know that they have a 6 week minimum turn around time for paying
> invoices/POs. The PSF will setup a payment portal that your sponsor(s) can
> use to allocate the funds for your group. If you pay the venue directly,
> see if your sponsor is willing to pay them directly on your behalf. I don't
> know how much it is going to cost you -- but unexpected taxes (receiving
> sponsorship dollars is considered untaxed income) is a commonly overlooked
> detail.
> Good luck!
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 11:30 AM Dan Clark <wpu.clark at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm a co-organizer of the Python User Group in Princeton (PUG-IP). We've
>> always been informal, but we will be hosting a workshop in October. This
>> one comes with a rental fee that we needed a sponsor for (at least in my
>> time).
>> So my questions are
>>    1. Is there anything I should keep in mind when signing the venue's
>>    rental agreement?
>>    2. What is the best/appropriate method to get money from our sponsor to
>>    our venue?
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> --Dan Clark
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