[group-organizers] Sponsorship Sales, Fundraising for Community Orgs
Bill Israel
bill.israel at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 15:59:36 EST 2019
I'd be interested in this as well. We've done well enough with PyTN the
past couple of years, but I'm sure there are we can do better.
- Bill
Bill Israel bill.israel at gmail.com
On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 1:00 PM Don Sheu <dinaldo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all, I've learned a lot with sponsorship sales for PyCascades last
> year, and now with Eloisa Tran chairing our sponsorship sales this year.
> Wondering if there'd be interest in participating in training for groups
> around the Python community?
> For PyCascades, we were profitable as an org our first year. Eloisa joining
> as our leader of sponsorship sales, we doubled, we may triple our gross
> revenue.
> One example tactic I can share –
> 1. Eight days before the conference meets on February 23, I sent out
> reminder emails to past supporters of PuPPy, my group in Seattle
> 2. The email copy was targeted to remind past supporters of PuPPy, we
> are hosting PyCascades in Seattle this year
> 3. Please alert their staff that we are approaching sell out
> 4. Got 15 new registrations that totals in about $2000 in additional
> revenue
> 5. A silver level sponsor for $8000
> My goal would be to include as many concrete examples like this in the
> training. Eloisa was trained by the Anita Borg Institute to lead
> sponsorship sales for Grace Hopper Conference. She donated $250k to
> numFOCUS running sponsorship sales for PyData Seattle 2017, with about 800
> attendees.
> Let me know. I'll collaborate with Eloisa to create curriculum to share
> with everybody.
> What does everybody think?
> --
> Don Sheu
> 312.880.9389
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> My Python user group convenes every month 2nd Wednesdays
> http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/events/232708762/
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