From don at  Sat Jan 26 15:18:31 2019
From: don at (Don Sheu)
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2019 12:18:31 -0800
Subject: [group-organizers] PuPPy Progress on Response to Mental Health
Message-ID: <>

Hey folks, just wanted to share, volunteers of PuPPy took a major step
yesterday towards planning for providing a safe environment for our user
group members.

PuPPy volunteers have formed a working group to plan how we will respond to
mental health crisis situations including scenario planning and drafting
messages we'll use to respond to members displaying or sharing mental

I'm supporting our volunteers with anything I can help with, particularly
if we need to invite established orgs helping people with mental health.
One thought I had is to integrate a non-profit addressing mental health
crisis in chat with our Slack. This may require enrolling help from Slack.

I found that a government agency, Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Administration has issued over $61m in grants for suicide prevention
funding alone. I'll investigate what I can coordinate with the PSF about a
grant application for raising mental health awareness.

All of us, I imagine, know friends and colleagues who struggled with mental
health at some time. Frustrating is not having tools to help. Hopefully
PuPPy will contribute something in the context of our community events and

Don Sheu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My Python user group PuPPy convenes in Seattle every month 2nd Wednesdays

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