[group-organizers] Announcing IndyPy Web Conf - August 23, 2019

MaryBeth Okerson marybeth at sixfeetup.com
Wed Jun 19 10:45:14 EDT 2019

Hello all!

IndyPy is excited to announce the call for proposals is open for the IndyPy Web Conf.  This conference will include 21 speakers and 3 tracks of presentations.

Save the date:
August 23, 2019 - 8am - 5pm
Forum Conference & Events Center
11313 USA Parkway Fishers, IN

We are looking for speakers on the following topics:

     *   Django
     *   Flask
     *   Pyramid
     *   Tornado
     *   TurboGears
     *   REST APIs
     *   Web Security
     *   microservices
     *   websockets
     *   Plone
     *   Guillotina
     *   Zope

Please submit your proposal here: https://www.papercall.io/indypy-web-conf-2019
Submissions are due by: July 8th, 2019

Registration is now open - http://bit.ly/WebConf19
Early bird pricing is $85/person until July 25th. On July 26th, General Admission increases to $125/person. Student pricing is also available for $65/person with valid student ID.

Join us for this conference focused on Python on the Web and meet your fellow Pythonistas!

Thank you,

MaryBeth Okerson
Marketing & Event Coordinator
Six Feet Up, Inc.
Python & Cloud Expert Consulting
Direct Line: +1 (317) 861-5948 x605
Email: marybeth at sixfeetup.com
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