[group-organizers] PyCon 2019: The Meetup Meetup Open Space

Nick DiRienzo nvdirienzo at gmail.com
Fri May 3 18:10:13 EDT 2019

Hey everyone!

It was great meeting other Python meetup organizers today at PyCon. Thanks
Faris for putting that up on the open spaces board.

As promised, my attempt at notes from our conversation is included in this
email. I tried to get everyone's name and location under attendees. I used
location in the notes for some context. Please feel free to make
suggestions to fix names and things; it was pretty difficult to get it all
right by hearing.

Everyone with the link has comment access:

Asheesh, John, Faris and I were chatting afterwards and this idea came up.
Who would be interested in hanging out over Zoom next month (evening or
weekend)? This way we can get a small group talking and maybe this can be
the start of a regular thing. Happy to share my availability with whoever
is interested in this experiment :)

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