[group-organizers] Tool For UG organisers

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer arj.python at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 21:00:07 EST 2020

Greetings list,

I have been having some issues to manage our UG due to the number of tasks
to be done. I'm thinking of a tool for group organises.

Currently we post events to the following social accounts:

fb page
fb group
twitter account
linkedin page

then we have to email events at python.org for meetup details.

That's some basics. I'm thinking for a start of a tool to auto post to the
following medias including sending mail to events at python.org

If you have some ideas i'll be glad to hear!


Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
pythonmembers.club <http://www.pythonmembers.club/> | github
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