[GSoC-general] HELP

Terri Oda terri at toybox.ca
Mon Mar 19 02:22:57 EDT 2018

On 2018-03-17 1:36 PM, Projat Banerjee wrote:
> What is the type of proposal should I submit here ? What kind or on what 
> basis should I build my proposal so that I may get easily selected or 
> chances for my selection is high ?
> I have been designing an image processing and data analytics application 
> using Python. Ill that anyway help me for GSoC ?

If you want to improve your chances of selection, the #1 thing you need 
to do is talk to your potential mentors, discuss your ideas with them, 
and make sure to listen carefully to their feedback and make changes 
they suggest.

Secondly, if you're not really familiar with a project, you're probably 
going to have a higher chance of acceptance if you start by reading all 
the topics they've proposed.  These are things that the project wants 
and is willing to commit resources to, so proposing something based on 
those ideas gives you an advantage.  It's not the only path, but it 
might be the easier one!

Finally, read all the info we've provided on getting started and writing 
an application.  It starts here on our ideas page:

And you probably want to pay particular attention to the instructions 
given in our application template

Best of luck!

  Python GSoC org admin

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