[GSoC-general] Contribute to GSoC 19

Sayantan Datta sayantandatta97 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 23:39:19 EST 2019

Cool, thanks! I`m interested.

On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 8:57 PM Terri Oda <terri at toybox.ca> wrote:

> We don't know who will be participating in GSoC 2019 yet, but all the
> currently known info can be found at http://python-gsoc.org/
> Sub orgs need to let me know if they want to take part by Feb 4th, so
> we'll have an initial list of projects after that date!
> On January 6, 2019 12:23:45 a.m. PST, Sayantan Datta <
> sayantandatta97 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi I am looking for contributing the projects in Python Organization in
>> GSoC19. So if you kindly help me to know what kinda projects are going on
>> in python. I have an idea on python automation projects . check my github :
>> https://github.com/sayantanHack . I also know other technologies also ,
>> like Web dev .
>> Thanks you
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