[I18n-sig] Python Translation

Florian Weimer fw@deneb.enyo.de
11 Jul 2000 21:25:40 +0200

Dinesh Nadarajah <dindin2k@yahoo.com> writes:

> Is there any working/ target towards translating
> Python to other languages. i.e. Some sort of structure
> like the *.po files in KDE such that native languages
> can be substituted for the standards keywords. Are
> there any plans to port Python to other (human)
> languages.

I hope this isn't the case.  Microsoft did this to VBA in the 90ies,
but everybody agrees that it was a complete fiasco.  Of course, they
made some avoidable mistakes, but in general, the whole idea might
sound nice, but it doesn't work out in practice.

If there is any interest in this topic, I'm going to sum up the major