[I18n-sig] Binary data b"strings" (Pre-PEP: Proposed Python Character Model)

Toby Dickenson tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com
Thu, 8 Feb 2001 16:41:09 -0000

> OTOH, these b""-strings should implement the same methods as the
> array type and probably seemlessly interact with it too. I don't
> know which type should be considered "better" in coercion 
> though, b""-strings or arrays (I guess b""-strings).

That raises the question of mutability... instances of the array type are
mutable. On every occasion that I have needed a mutable string type, it has
been when the string was holding binary data.

Do we want b"strings" to be mutable?

Do we want b"strings" to be the same as the array type? (if not now, maybe
at the same time we unify plain "strings" and u"strings")