[Idle-dev] idle development && run script

Peter Schneider-Kamp nowonder@nowonder.de
Wed, 09 Aug 2000 15:39:57 +0000


I have recently become interested in idle because I need a
decent python ide for some programming workshops. The people
are either newbies or have experience with Borland's
Turbo Pascal IDE.

Now that I am evaluating idle for this task I have come
across some "issues". The most annoying is to have to
save every time before running a script. I have hacked this
for my version so that it tries to save before attempting
to run (and throws an errorbox only in case the save does
not succeed).

It works fine (at least for my purposes), but there is
a comment on the top of getfilename in ScriptBinding.py
saying "Better logic would offer to save!". I disagree
with this.

What are the current plans for idle development?


from disclaimer import StdDisclaimer
t = """I am new to idle-dev, so please don't kill me if I ask
tremendously stupid questions repeating things that have
been discussed a thousand times a thousand years ago."""
d = StdDisclaimer(text = t)
Peter Schneider-Kamp          ++47-7388-7331
Herman Krags veg 51-11        mailto:peter@schneider-kamp.de
N-7050 Trondheim              http://schneider-kamp.de