[Idle-dev] Making changes to IDLE

Mark Hammond mhammond@skippinet.com.au
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:41:22 +1000

> Ok Fred. I assumed that IDLE being open-source the development
> of IDLE would be open-source also

It is.

> - ie. the Linux/Linus Torvald's approach of
> accepting
> patches and releasing new versions of the code every day (if
> required).

Im sure Linus doesnt do this alone, and if not for other people standing up
to be counted, it would have stopped some time ago.

The reality is simply that there were not enough people who a) knew IDLE
well enough and b) had checkin permissions to the CVS source tree.

The move to BeOpen means that a) that team will have more time to dedicate
to Python, including IDLE, and b) that the restrictive CNRI policies on
permissions can be lifted.

> I think IDLE could benefit a lot from this approach, but I suppose
> it's up to PythonLabs.

I dont think you are being fair here.  I would have thought it obvious that
the design-flaw in the 24 hour day was the problem, and not any restrictive
policies or intention re IDLE.

Of course, this doesnt mean people will actually _like_ all submitted
changes - just like Linus - and this will upset some people who will
no-doubt start blaming the cabal.  There is no cabal.
