[Idle-dev] IDLE "shell" (was: IDLE interpreter window)
Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 17:02:17 -0000
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > So, in brief, one area for input and the rest for "stuff I've
> > done/stuff that has happened".
> >
> > I've worked with systems where the input and output area were
> > phyisically separate, and they confused me.
> Yes, it would probably get clunky. An advantage of a seperate input area
> would be that you could for instance enter an entire class definition
> (including newlines between or in methods) at once, something the
> current shell doesn't allow. Disadvantage of that is that you
> need somekind of special button or key combo to 'enter' the code,
> instead of the enter key. This will likely get terribly clunky.
OK - I see now that my original description has led to confusion. The
"separate input area" *was* just the current line that was being typed (and
*possibly* the current lines that had been typed and not yet acted on, if
typeahead worked in the obvious manner). The character to 'enter' the code
was the enter key. Which is why, in reply to Guido, I was happy with his
future plans - as far as I can see the only difference between what he is
proposing and (more or less) what I was describing is the presence or
absence of a horizontal line between the current command line and the
"history". And I don't care if that's there or not...
Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) http://www.tibsnjoan.demon.co.uk/
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