[Idle-dev] idle-fork, merging 2x SPE patches
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 18:16:25 +1000
I've just been looking at PyShell.py after working my way up merging in
reverse alpha file order from testcode.py, and it looks like I've reached the
first file where the issue of "2 x separate process execution
implementations" (from here on called "SPE" patrches in this message) raises
its head.
It seems like two possible options for handling this may be:
1. Continue merging py-cvs such that the original David Scherer SPE patches
remain undisturbed, and then work out their relationship to the new Guido
patches and figure out which parts of which person's patches to continue
forward with.
2. Merge py-cvs such that David's SPE patches are reduced to exisitng only
in prior versions, then merge the new Guido SPE patches and look at things
from that perspective.
There are probably way better options than either of these two for handling
the situation but I'm too tired at the moment to think on it anymore so I'm
going to have some dinner.
Stephen M. Gava
"More power to those who don't care for it." - anon