[Idle-dev] CVS: idle BrowserControl.py,,1.2
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 12:13:04 +1000
> The current IDLE is certainly quite good and quite useable for anyone with
> 1.5.2. I personally am interested in the future and having IDLE keep up
> with the latest language enhancements. So I would also be in favor of
> dropping 1.5.2 support and focusing on 2.1.
Me too. I feel that if the idea of idlefork is to develop and test new
features for possible eventual merging into python idle, then the project is
inherently forward looking, and should not be constrained by too much
emphasis on compatability with much earlier python versions. As Patrick
rightfully points out, existing stable python already fills that niche
Even debian linux, that I use on my office machine here, is finally moving
2.0.1 into position to be it's main python version, now that the licence
issues are resolved (I've been using 'roll your own' 2.1 for development
since it came out though). I figure they'll do the same with 2.1 when the
promised 'licence compatabilty' release comes through. Anyone have a rough
idea when this might be happenning? Or will it be subsumed by 2.2?
> ---
> Patrick K. O'Brien
> Orbtech
> "I am, therefore I think."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: idle-dev-admin@python.org [mailto:idle-dev-admin@python.org]On Behalf
> Of Guido van Rossum
> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 8:20 PM
> To: Kurt B. Kaiser
> Cc: idle-dev@python.org
> Subject: Re: [Idle-dev] CVS: idle BrowserControl.py,,1.2
> > Do we want to continue 1.5.2 support or switch to the new way?
> Depends on our goals. If our goal is to provide an alternative,
> stable IDLE for a large audience, then we would do wise to remain
> 1.5.2 compatible. This can be a bit of a pain. If our goal is to
> move forward and develop IDLE further, we might be better off focusing
> on 2.0 or even 2.1, so it won't slow us down. Compatibility testing
> takes a lot of time!
> So, I'm for dropping 1.5.2 support, but I'll leave it up to you to
> decide what you want.
Stephen M. Gava
"More power to those who don't care for it." - anon