[Idle-dev] CVS: idle EditorWindow.py,1.6,1.7

Stephen elguavas@users.sourceforge.net
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 00:01:49 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/idlefork/idle
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv20059

Modified Files:
Log Message:
activate new about dialog for testing

Index: EditorWindow.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/idlefork/idle/EditorWindow.py,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -r1.6 -r1.7
*** EditorWindow.py	2001/07/21 09:59:58	1.6
--- EditorWindow.py	2001/07/31 07:01:47	1.7
*** 18,21 ****
--- 18,22 ----
  import WindowList
  from IdleConf import idleconf
+ import aboutDialog
  # The default tab setting for a Text widget, in average-width characters.
*** 89,93 ****
  Succesful new features in IDLEfork will be mereged back in to stable IDLE.
! This version of IDLEfork is based on the work in stable IDLE version %s, \
  IDLE fork 0.7.1 released by David Scherer, and the VPython idle fork. 
--- 90,94 ----
  Succesful new features in IDLEfork will be mereged back in to stable IDLE.
! This version of IDLEfork is based on the work in stable IDLE version 0.8, \
  IDLE fork 0.7.1 released by David Scherer, and the VPython idle fork. 
*** 97,101 ****
  to be broken. 
! """ % (idlever.IDLEFORK_VERSION, idlever.IDLE_VERSION)
  class EditorWindow:
--- 98,102 ----
  to be broken. 
! """ % (idlever.IDLE_VERSION)
  class EditorWindow:
*** 297,303 ****
      def about_dialog(self, event=None):
!         tkMessageBox.showinfo(self.about_title, self.about_text,
!                               master=self.text)
      helpfile = "help.txt"
--- 298,305 ----
      def about_dialog(self, event=None):
!         #tkMessageBox.showinfo(self.about_title, self.about_text,
!         #                      master=self.text)
!         aboutDialog.AboutDialog(self.top,'About IDLEfork')
      helpfile = "help.txt"