[Idle-dev] Hide code? / Breakpoints with IDLE?
Stephen M. Gava
Mon, 5 Nov 2001 04:21:17 +1100
Edward K. Ream wrote:
> I am
> presently at work on a Python + Tk version of Leo using some IDLE code.
> In the future I hope to move this work into IDLE itself.
Cool. Let me know when you have something in a state I could have a play with
/ look at. I've looked at leo itself before and found it quite ineteresting.
> Bruce is correct, it is possible to implement folding with special
> comment lines. This is exactly what Leo does.
Yep. Several other editors use special comments as the basis for folding too,
but none of them has leo's rigorously followed through folding / outlining /
structural model (the literate programming influence).
On your question about breakpoints under windows, I do almost all my coding
on idlefork under linux and freebsd, with just an occasional test run on
windows2000 to see if something looks right, and I haven't looked into the
debugger yet (it's been broken in idlefork since before my time) so I can't
really help you there. There might be someone else on this list who can
chime in on this subject though. Anyone?
Stephen M. Gava <elguavas@users.sourceforge.net>
IDLEfork ( http://idlefork.sourceforge.net ) " just like IDLE, only crunchy "