[Idle-dev] Re: keybindings
Tony Lownds
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 09:08:10 -0800
At 8:34 AM -0600 12/2/02, Nicholas Riley wrote:
>Using function keys is especially bad on PowerBooks that don't have
>separate brightness/contrast/etc controls (everything but Wall
>Street/PDQ). A few monthe ago when I was looking at implementing this
>in my own software I did a survey of a bunch of Mac apps and command-/
>came out as the consensus for "zoom window". Most apps have no
>shortcut at all - that's also a possibility for IDLE.
I think command-/ would be better used when bound to expand-word.
>People may want to enter non-ASCII characters, and usurping their
>ability to do so is not good. I didn't write Command-. (that's
>cancel) above, I said _control_-. above, which should be reasonably
>safe. Option-q is seemingly designed to be a facsimile of Emacs' M-q
>for the same operation.
How about Control-Q for format-paragraph then?