[Idle-dev] Help concerning raw_input urgently needed!
Gregor Lingl
Mon, 02 Sep 2002 00:01:29 +0200
Some ten days ago I posted the following to idle-dev, but
the message went into a wrong thread and was consequently
ignored. So I try it again, this time also at tutor. Several colleagues
asked me already, why this Error occurs - I still can only reply:
I don't know.
By the way: does this Error also occur when working with IDLE on
a Linux-machine? (Aren't there people with happy little Linux-Systems
in Berlin, who could check this easily?)
Some month ago I copied sitecustomize.py with
appropriate locale-setting to C:\Python22\Lib
thanks to an advice of someone on this list.
This worked well until today I made the observation,
that raw_input doesn't work correctly:
>>> a = raw_input("Hä? ")
Hä? Tschüs
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in ?
a = raw_input("Hä? ")
TypeError: object.readline() returned non-string
Consequently I cannot execute programs with
raw_input from IDLE, if the expected answers (inputs)
may contain "Umlaute". Those same programs,
however, can be executed from the commandline.
And also the interactive Python interpreter can execute
raw_input statements even when Umlaute are input.
So I think, this must be a problem of IDLE.
I must confess, I do not understand the error message.
Hope this can be corrected somehow.
Gregor Lingl