[Idle-dev] DS_RPC_BRANCH
Bruce Sherwood
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 21:40:12 -0400
I would much prefer that there be a "release" rather than trying to figure
out what to do with CVS, a system I use but very inexpertly. A release would
also let some other VPython users who know even less than I or nothing at
all about CVS to try out what the idlefork developers have been doing. And
frankly the existence of a "release" even if labeled "experimental" or
"draft" or whatever sends the rest of us a signal that it is time to pay
serious attention and try things out.
By the way, I think that I'm an easy sell. It sounds like a win to have the
output window be interactive, and it most certainly is a win to be able to
configure things. As I once mentioned in this forum, I bounced off trying to
configure IDLE on Linux to have the key bindings I'm used to on other
platforms (e.g. CTRL-C for copy rather than the Emacs-style multiple
keypresses). And as a minor matter, when I'm making presentations I have to
change two config files, then restart IDLE to get a large font.
Bruce Sherwood