[Idle-dev] CVS: idle FormatParagraph.py,1.4,1.5

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk@users.sourceforge.net
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 19:22:22 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/idlefork/idle
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv28330

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Merge Py Idle changes:
Rev 1.10 (string methods)

Index: FormatParagraph.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/idlefork/idle/FormatParagraph.py,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -r1.4 -r1.5
*** FormatParagraph.py	19 Jan 2002 10:41:51 -0000	1.4
--- FormatParagraph.py	16 Sep 2002 02:22:19 -0000	1.5
*** 15,19 ****
  # * Fancy comments, like this bulleted list, arent handled :-)
- import string
  import re
--- 15,18 ----
*** 43,54 ****
          if comment_header:
              # Reformat the comment lines - convert to text sans header.
!             lines = string.split(data, "\n")
              lines = map(lambda st, l=len(comment_header): st[l:], lines)
!             data = string.join(lines, "\n")
              # Reformat to 70 chars or a 20 char width, whichever is greater.
              format_width = max(70-len(comment_header), 20)
              newdata = reformat_paragraph(data, format_width)
              # re-split and re-insert the comment header.
!             newdata = string.split(newdata, "\n")
              # If the block ends in a \n, we dont want the comment
              # prefix inserted after it. (Im not sure it makes sense to
--- 42,53 ----
          if comment_header:
              # Reformat the comment lines - convert to text sans header.
!             lines = data.split("\n")
              lines = map(lambda st, l=len(comment_header): st[l:], lines)
!             data = "\n".join(lines)
              # Reformat to 70 chars or a 20 char width, whichever is greater.
              format_width = max(70-len(comment_header), 20)
              newdata = reformat_paragraph(data, format_width)
              # re-split and re-insert the comment header.
!             newdata = newdata.split("\n")
              # If the block ends in a \n, we dont want the comment
              # prefix inserted after it. (Im not sure it makes sense to
*** 61,65 ****
                  newdata = newdata[:-1]
              builder = lambda item, prefix=comment_header: prefix+item
!             newdata = string.join(map(builder, newdata), '\n') + block_suffix
              # Just a normal text format
--- 60,64 ----
                  newdata = newdata[:-1]
              builder = lambda item, prefix=comment_header: prefix+item
!             newdata = '\n'.join(map(builder, newdata)) + block_suffix
              # Just a normal text format
*** 77,81 ****
  def find_paragraph(text, mark):
!     lineno, col = map(int, string.split(mark, "."))
      line = text.get("%d.0" % lineno, "%d.0 lineend" % lineno)
      while text.compare("%d.0" % lineno, "<", "end") and is_all_white(line):
--- 76,80 ----
  def find_paragraph(text, mark):
!     lineno, col = map(int, mark.split("."))
      line = text.get("%d.0" % lineno, "%d.0 lineend" % lineno)
      while text.compare("%d.0" % lineno, "<", "end") and is_all_white(line):
*** 102,106 ****
  def reformat_paragraph(data, limit=70):
!     lines = string.split(data, "\n")
      i = 0
      n = len(lines)
--- 101,105 ----
  def reformat_paragraph(data, limit=70):
!     lines = data.split("\n")
      i = 0
      n = len(lines)
*** 123,129 ****
              if not word:
                  continue # Can happen when line ends in whitespace
!             if len(string.expandtabs(partial + word)) > limit and \
                 partial != indent1:
!                 new.append(string.rstrip(partial))
                  partial = indent2
              partial = partial + word + " "
--- 122,128 ----
              if not word:
                  continue # Can happen when line ends in whitespace
!             if len((partial + word).expandtabs()) > limit and \
                 partial != indent1:
!                 new.append(partial.rstrip())
                  partial = indent2
              partial = partial + word + " "
*** 131,138 ****
                  partial = partial + " "
          i = i+1
!     new.append(string.rstrip(partial))
      # XXX Should reformat remaining paragraphs as well
!     return string.join(new, "\n")
  def is_all_white(line):
--- 130,137 ----
                  partial = partial + " "
          i = i+1
!     new.append(partial.rstrip())
      # XXX Should reformat remaining paragraphs as well
!     return "\n".join(new)
  def is_all_white(line):